If you’re only hearing about the Dyson hairdryer now, welcome back from living under a rock, we hope you had a nice time. For everyone else, hasn’t it been everywhere?! So for a company that is known worldwide for cleaning up dog hair and crumbs off our floors, is the Supersonic all it's cracked up to be? Here's our mini Dyson hairdryer review…
1. It doesn’t ever overheat, because it’s got a smart thermometer in it that records the temperature every 20 seconds.

2. It won’t frazzle your hair. This is thanks to a really snazzy microprocessor (stay with us) that regulates the temperature to avoid damage.

3. There’s less risk of injury with a Dyson hairdryer. It’s backless with no mesh panel, you know, the one that sucks your hair in and pulls on it painfully, causing huge matted dreadlocks.

4. It allows you to create lots of different styles. It has 3x nozzles – a smoothing one, a diffuser for curls and a precise styling one. All of these are magnetically attached. Which is really fun.

5. It looks like something out of Star Wars. Rather than your bog standard switches, the heat and airflow of the Dyson hairdryer are controlled digitally and let's be honest, it kind of looks like a light saber (OK, I admit it, I’ve never watched it).

6. Its cool setting is actually cold. So it won't shred your hair. Plus, when it's hot in the middle of summer, you needn’t invest in the Dyson Airblade fan, just whaft the hairdryer in front of you face. Hmmm.

7. It’s quieter. Not so quiet that you could do it in a room with your sleeping 9-month-old, but quiet enough to have a DMC with a friend mid-blowdry.

8. It’s super fast – the cheetah of hairdryers if you will. Essentially giving you more time in bed.

9. Your arm won’t ache after you dry your hair. The Dyson's motor is 6x smaller and 3x lighter in comparison to traditional ones and sits in the handle, not on the top for better balance.

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10. It’s been well researched by James Dyson and his team. £55 million was pumped into its development, with 600 prototypes going through rigorous testing before the final version. You can see now why there's a £300 price tag…

11. It actually makes hair glossy. Because it’s not exposed to high temperature, hair is left healthier, smoother and shinier. All good things!

12. It’s darn pretty. Not something you typically say about an electrical appliance, but this one it comes in pink or white and silver.

13. Jen Atkin, hair stylist to Kimmy K, uses it. 'Nuff said.

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14. It comes in a rather chic brown leather carry case. You know, so that when you’re out and about you can still coordinate with your loafers.

15. It's so good, even Barbie got involved.