Daisy Ridley tells her Instagram followers that she's worried the turmeric will stain her face

We can’t be the only ones who struggle to find the time to book in for regular facials? And don’t even get us started about being able to afford it, even if we could… So what if we told you that you could get the same benefits from items you have lying around the kitchen? As Daisy Ridley instas a picture of herself in her homemade turmeric mask (very fetching, may we add), we take you through four ingredients that you will definitely have at home. You’re welcome.


Go into you kitchen and head for your spice rack. There you’ll find turmeric – excellent in curries, but also incredibly high in antioxidants and works brilliantly on inflammation. Make like Daisy and mixed a teaspoon of the powdered version to water, alternatively finely chop the fresh stuff and add to flour, honey and milk. Mix this into a paste and then apply a thin layer to the skin. Too thick a layer can cause your face to turn a little yellow, as Daisy unfortunately found out when applying is supposed to help with uneven skin tone, skin elasticity and hydration.


Rather than adding yoghurt to your muesli in the morning, pop it into a bowl with some honey and cocoa powder. Yoghurt contains lactic acid, which is a brilliant natural exfoliator, cocoa reduces irritation and the honey naturally tightens the skin. So if your face is feeling a little rough or you’ve recently had some breakouts, then whack this concoction on for around five to fifteen minutes. The yoghurt is also packed full of hydrating acids, so it won’t dry out your skin.



It’s the super food that everyone is going nuts for (it even has it’s own emoji) and turns out its even more super than you thought. It’s extremely hydrating, you can thank the omega fatty acids for that, and when mashed up with banana (another go to hydrator, as well as contain vitamin A, which promotes skin-cell turnover) it creates this wonderful squishy blend that people with dry skin will go mad for. Important tip: once you’ve popped it on, try to keep as still as possible, as it doesn’t set like a typical mask!



When life gives you lemons…make a face mask! For skin that’s looking a little dull and lackluster, pep it up with a combination of lemon, sugar and olive oil. The sugar will physically slough off dead skin cells, whilst the citric acid in the lemon will naturally exfoliate. If that all sounds a tad harsh, don’t fear; the nourishing olive oil will ensure your skin doesn’t feel too stripped.


Have you tried this face mask quiz? It's scarily accurate at picking the best face mask for your skin…