The countdown has begun until the Strictly Come Dancing celebrities take their first turn around the dancefloor and rehearsals have begun in earnest.
Katya Jones has been putting Ed Balls through his paces but also taken time to come up with a team name.
after discussion me and mr @edballs decided 2 go with the most popular and kind of "naturally formed" team name #teamglitterballs . #SCD
— katya Jones (@Mrs_katjones) September 7, 2016
Singer Anastacia and partner Brendan Cole posted a video from rehearsals where she said he was “killing me” and was a “slave driver”.
LIVE on #Periscope
— Anastacia (@AnastaciaMusic) September 8, 2016
Louise Redknapp said she is already suffering from some aches and pains after a cruelling workout from partner Kevin Clifton.
Day 2 getting our grove on @bbcstrictly @keviclifton body is aching ð¬ðð¬
— Louise Redknapp (@LouiseRedknapp) September 7, 2016
Even gymnast Claudia Fragapane seemed to be exhausted by partner AJ Pritchard.
Me earlier: @Aj11Ace "don't press play again" ð´
— Claudia Fragapane (@claudia_frag) September 7, 2016
@bbcstrictly IN ACTION #PocketRockets ð¥ðð … #SCD #StrictlyComeDancing
— AJ Pritchard (@Aj11Ace) September 7, 2016
Daisy Lowe knows a team dances on its stomach and whipped up some buckwheat pancakes for her partner Aljaz Skorjanec.
Breakfast of champions… Day 2 training with my dream dance partner @aljazskorjanec for @bbcstrictly #buckwheatpancakes #sweetnessandlight
A photo posted by daisylowe (@daisylowe) on
Laura Whitmore’s partner Giovanni Pernice revealed that he has worn out the TV presenting star, posting this video in which she complains about only getting a three-minute rest.
Behind the scenes with #TeamLovanni ( @thewhitmore has tired legs already!!)
— Giovanni Pernice (@pernicegiovann1) September 7, 2016
I think her face says it all.
@pernicegiovanniofficial 's face when I ask for a two minute break. It's been an intense first two days but loving it! ðð¼ @bbcstrictly
A photo posted by thewhitmore (@thewhitmore) on
Will Young and his partner Karen Clifton look far happier, it might be all the caffeine.
Bam!! Team #willpower finished for the day.. @willyoung I'll bring the coffee tomorrow X #helpwill #igotu
— Karen Clifton (@karen_hauer) September 7, 2016
Day 2 and I am awake going through dance steps @bbcstrictly @karen_hauer what have I become???!!
— Will Young (@willyoung) September 8, 2016
Meanwhile, Olympian Greg Rutherford and his partner Natalie Lowe are focusing on the important things – looking for their own team name.
Help please? @GregJRutherford and I have been in the zone dancing our socks off & we now need some help finding our #strictly #team…name?
— Natalie Lowe (@RealNatalieLowe) September 7, 2016
Ore Oduba and Joanne Clifton seem to have locked that one down.
So, the people have spoken.. @joanneclifton and I are officially #TeamOjo! ððð thanks for playing our 'name games' and for ALL your supportð
— Ore Oduba (@OreOduba) September 7, 2016
But their hard work appears to be far from over.
Training was tough today. Got a lot of work to do ð° but it'll all be fine in the end @OreOduba ! I've got you! @bbcstrictly
— joanne k clifton (@joanneclifton) September 7, 2016
I am a sponge to @joanneclifton's wealth of watery knowledge ð miss ya til Monday! #Strictly
— Ore Oduba (@OreOduba) September 7, 2016
We can’t wait to see how the rest of rehearsals go!