Marnie Simpson might have scuppered her chances to win Celebrity Big Brother with one simple question – Who is George Michael?
The Geordie Shore was playing a quiz game when she was asked who the chart-topping star was, and claimed she had no idea!!!
Cue plenty of mocking on Twitter…
Did Marnie seriously just say "Who's George Michael?" Waaaaah? #cbb
— Roz Laws (@rozlaws) August 24, 2016
"Who's George Michael?" REALLY MARNIE? REALLY? ð±ð±ðð #CBB x
— Siobhan Linehan (@slinehan1) August 24, 2016
'Who's George Michael?'… Marnie shouldn't be allowed to win based on that comment alone. #CBB ðâð»
— beverley (@gingerbev_) August 24, 2016
The question isn't "Who's George Michael"? It's who the f@ck is this Marnie character? #actingdumbtogetpopular #cbb
— Mike (@Mike_Ela) August 24, 2016
"What did George Michael tell you to do before you go go?"
Marnie: "Who's George Michael?!"#CBB— Shirleigh (@ShirleighShirlz) August 24, 2016
Me when Marnie said "who's George Michael" #CBB
— Shay (@leopardshay) August 24, 2016
Marnie should be extradited from the UK and never allowed back again " who's George Michael?" Get out you stupid witch #CBB
— Amanda (@Amandastweet40) August 24, 2016
I've heard "Who's Sam Fox?", but Who's George Michael?!" ð³ð³ð³ That takes the biscuit Marnie. Really. ððð #CBB
— MissM (@Milly1978) August 24, 2016
When Marnie said 'Who's George Michael?' I was seriously concerned for her ððð¤ð³ #CBB
— Dana Coulson (@CutesyKitty) August 24, 2016
Ooooh, how embarrassing.