Jurgen Klopp continues to surprise us all as he celebrates a year at the helm of Liverpool football club.

In a video posted by the club, Klopp joins players at his local bowls club to give the sport a try. The players also happen to be die-hard Liverpool fans who question him on his methods, team selection and whether he likes living in Formby.


So why bowls? Klopp explains that bowls is on his “sports bucket list”.

His commitment to his new sport is second to none. As his partner Lesley places the ball close to the jack, Klopp exclaims “Boom!”.

It’s not all sweetness and light though; Lesley tells Klopp “when we win the Premiership, I’ll die happy”. Talk about piling on the pressure!

Klopp is clearly game for a laugh. In fact, he’s done quite a bit of laughing in his year at Liverpool…

Happy Anniversary, Jurgen!